SAME DAY and contact-less service AVAILABLE!
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Exterior Detail, Premium---------------------
Est. Time: 3.5 hr.
Trim Restoration, Interior--------------------
Est. Time: 30 min.
Trim Restoration, Exterior--------------------
Est. Time: 30 min.
Interior Detail, Premium----------------------
Est. Time: 4.5 hr.
Paint Correction--------------------------------
Est. Time: 3 hr.
Headlight Restoration-------------------------
Est. Time: 1 hr.
Ozone Treatment-------------------------------
Est. Time: 30 min.

eGift Card-----------------------------------
Exterior Services
Interior Services

Exterior Detail, Basic--------------------------
Est. Time: 2.5 hr.
Interior Detail, Basic---------------------------
Est. Time: 2.5 hr.

Engine Bay Detail------------------------------
Est. Time: 1 hr.

Exterior Detail, Premium-------------$150
Est. Time: 3.5 hr.
Trim Restoration, Interior--------------$50
Est. Time: 30 min.
Trim Restoration, Exterior-------------$50
Est. Time: 30 min.
Interior Detail, Premium-------------$225
Est. Time: 4.5 hr.
Paint Correction-----------------------$350
Est. Time: 3 hr.
Headlight Restoration----------------$100
Est. Time: 1 hr.
Ozone Treatment------------------------$50
Est. Time: 30 min.

eGift Card-------------------------------
Exterior Services
Interior Services

Exterior Detail, Basic------------------$125
Est. Time: 2.5 hr.
Interior Detail, Basic------------------$125
Est. Time: 2.5 hr.

Engine Bay Detail----------------------$100
Est. Time: 1 hr.
Silver Package--------------------------$225
Est. Time: 5 hr.
Includes the Basic Exterior and Interior Details. Individually a $250 value.
Package Services

Gold Package---------------------------$350
Est. Time: 8 hr.
Includes the Premium Exterior and Interior Details. Individually a $375 value.
Diamond Package---------------------$650
Est. Time: 11 hr.
Includes the Gold Package and Paint Correction. Individually a $700 value.

Consider becoming a member!
Get access to priority bookings, exclusive discounts, monthly details and more!
Member Price: $300!
Silver Package-----------------------------
Est. Time: 5 hr.
Includes the Basic Exterior and Basic Interior Details. Individually a $250 value.
Package Services

Gold Package-------------------------------
Est. Time: 8 hr.
Diamond Package-------------------------
Est. Time: 11 hr.

Includes the Premium Exterior and Premium Interior Details. Individually a $375 value.
Includes the Gold Package and Paint Correction. Individually a $700 value.

Consider becoming a member!
Get access to priority booking, exclusive discounts, monthly details and more!
Member Price: $300!